Students of the Technical High School of Keratsini Visited Our Facilities in Drapetsona

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  • Students of the Technical High School of Keratsini Visited Our Facilities in Drapetsona

On Monday 22/4/2024, the students of the Maritime Professions Department of the Technical High School of Keratsini visited the modern facilities of our company in Drapetsona.

The students and accompanying teachers were welcomed and given a tour of our plant by Mrs. Georgia Reppa, HEC Group’s Research & Development Manager and the facility manager Mr. Nikos Tokatloglou, who presented the integrated treatment process that takes place in our plant, through our state-of-the-art equipment, where more than 1.5 million tons of residues has been processed since the start of operation and focuses on the treatment of water/hydrocarbon mixtures. At the same time, the students were trained in health and safety issues relating to the plant’s workplace.

The students used the notebooks to ask questions, get answers and take notes on the treatment process, on the layout of the machinery, which allows for optimal separation of oil residues. While they admired that all this is achieved with low consumption, allowing the plant to operate in an urban environment, thus contributing to the protection and shielding of the environment through our innovative and patented treatment processes, thus leading to zero waste production, in line with the imperatives of the circular economy.




HEC provides exemplary services of superior quality in major European ports such as Piraeus, Hamburg, Gibraltar and Valletta.


HEC is one of the largest companies in the waste management sector worldwide, with many years of experience